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尊敬的客户: 非常感谢贵司一直以来对我们工作的密切关注和大力支持,我司不胜感激。 由于业务扩展需要,深圳南油外服人力资源有限公司海晖办公室将于2008年9月8日迁入以下地址,新办公地点所有办公电话号码保持不变. 仅此奉达,敬希垂注。 地址:深圳市南山区南海大道2702号保利大厦1406室 邮编:518054 传真:0755-26051330 Dear Clients, Thank you very much for your constant support and help. Due to our ongoing business expansion and development, we are pleased to announce that our Haihui Office will be moved to a new address as below, which is effected from September 8th, 2008. Add: Room 1406, Poly Plaza, Nanhai Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, P.R.China. Post code: 518054 Fax: 0755-26051330 ※ All telephone numbers of the new office remain unchanged. 深圳南油外服人力资源有限公司 Shenzhen NanYou Foreign Service Human Resource Co., Ltd. 2008-9-5

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