广东南油对外服务有限公司业务一部迁址通知 |
尊敬的客户: 承蒙您对我司一直以来的大力支持与帮助,我司不胜感激! 因业务的发展与扩大的需要,我司业务一部将于2011年5月3日迁往达信大厦办公。因搬迁给您带来的不便,我们深表歉意,敬请谅解! 新办公地址:广州市越秀区德政北路538号达信大厦7楼711室 广东南油对外服务有限公司 April 15th, 2011 Moving Notice Dear Sir or Madam We would like to thank you for your continued support. Our new location address, phone and fax numbers will be changed as follows, Room 711, DaXin Building, No.538, DeZheng Road (North), Guangzhou, China We will continue to provide professional HR outsourcing services to you and we are looking forward to our common development. Your expectation is our pursuit! Sincerely yours, |
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